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Showing posts from April, 2022

Which JS Framework Your Project Requires: Angular vs. React 2022

  Web development has become necessary for every company that wants to enhance its digital presence. Everyone dealing with web application development must be familiar with angular JS and React JS. We often get confused on selecting one of them as both are remarkable frameworks in their way. It would be better to understand what each one brings to the table before hiring a React JS developer or Angular JS developer. Moving ahead in 2022, the development framework that offers speed and productivity will be the winner. Let us understand their details to bring more clarity to choices and knowledge. Introduction to Angular and React Angular is an open-source web framework that has been created for developers to develop dynamic applications. It is a component-based framework that can be used to start small and scalable applications. It is rich with libraries and features, apt to be used to build enterprise-grade applications. The angular team continuously does modifications to provide t...

Laravel vs. CodeIgniter | Choosing Best PHP Framework in 2022

PHP is one of the leading choices for developing web applications. Many PHP application frameworks have made their way into the market with their growing popularity. Lately, the comparisons have been between the Laravel and Codelgniter as the best PHP frameworks. A good comparison between the two based on their performance, pros, and cons can help clarify the subject. Introduction to Laravel and CodeIgniter Laravel Laravel is a leading open-source PHP development framework based on MVC architecture for application development. It is used to develop the complete backend of any web application. Web portals, full-stack applications, and many other features can be developed using Laravel. Codelgniter Codelgniter  is also a PHP development framework used to develop fully functional web applications. It is preferred by the developers who choose to skip the MVC architecture in their development. It is compatible with third-party extensions that can be integrated to add complex functionali...